take a walk around town with...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

just had my dinner after meeting charmane over a cuppa (of steamed milk at starbucks - my first time drinking it so far) at paragon in the afternoon. however on the way back home i started to feel bloated, yet having this funny feeling like a stomachache (as if i was about to go to "download").

i couldn't understand what that feeling was... i didn't know until it started to get progressively painful... to the extent that i couldn't even say the name of the food that i wanted for dinner!

i'm grateful that mr lee from the coffeeshop actually helped me to pop by the medical hall to get a bottle of weisen-u for me (of course i paid him back for it).

how did this happen? i have absolutely no idea - could be my aggravated loss of appetite lately...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I am going to die at 88.  When are you? Click here to find out!

Friday, December 12, 2008

i think i know why now that young couples want to move out from their homes that they have grown up, at one point or another.

a couple of suggestions:
* time to start one's own family
* a sign to indicate a change in life stages - no more a child nor dependent
* a sign of independence
* privacy/intimacy with a loved one (the significant other)
* cannot stand the mess that the parents are causing at home due to bad habits
* wants "out" from the stifling environment that parents are giving at home

just discussed with my girl - we will aim for a trip to japan next year in june. i will make sure that comes true! current itinerary - minimally tokyo and hokkaido.