just did one of the rarest things i'd ever do in a long while.
i pulled out, for some odd reason, the vcds for the movie
lost and found and watched it through. and for the first time, i actually wrote the synopsis and the spoiler for the movie in wikipedia!
the bad thing was... i realized that i lost all the photos that i took of her with the mavica back in 1996 and 1997. all i could find were the blank html files of the manually coded html files i did then back while in ngee ann polytechnic.
some things of pity though.
eriko of speed has married yoinks ago, has a kid now... didn't know that till the entry in wikipedia showed that.
woah! history trip!
just managed to relocate all my photos from yesteryear... 1996 to be exact!

this article says something about a fan designing software for her... but hey, i was the guy and i DIDN'T do anything that wacko! all i did then was to compile photos via internet and passed 3 diskettes' (what ARE diskettes, anyone?) to her by hand or something. or to
jasmine, the local coordinator. ok, so i can't be too sure it is me (i passed her the photos at the hotel she was at, not after a fanclub performance because i was on curfew obviously) but the age, and the timing of the newspaper report and the diskettes (anyone yet?) being passed to her matches what i did then as a typical fan - wait at the hotel lobby for hours on end!

oh my goodness! i was so small and puny sized then in 1996!

check out what a little tweaking can do...

one more here! with boon cheong and xiaofang