if only teaching was a line of work, where after 5pm each day, you could kick back and relax, and recharge yourself mentally for the next day.
if only teaching gave you the luxury of having generically speaking, well-behaved students.
if only teaching gives you enough time and physical energy to do what you wish to do after hours, such as attending courses you
want to attend.
if only teaching was a paperless effort, it'd be ideal.
alas, but things are not to be. there are many mistakes i made before, and this is probably the gravest one i've made.
one of my colleagues just spoke to me about the issue, and i appreciate her questions that made me think hard for a moment. is it teaching itself, or the environment? maybe it's the environment. i remember, to modify teaching and learning of sports, there can only be three factors that can affect it:
1. the skills involved (teaching per se)
2. the skills already possessed by the person in question (my [in]capability to teach)
3. the environment
but when i ask myself, if i have been responsible to myself for my upcoming finances, i can't say anything. i spend a lot, and i mean,
a lot. i have the notion that most (i didn't say, all) teaching staff are folks who are the type who would be oh-don't-take-away-my-job-because-i-sordidly-need-the-money. i admit i need and
want the money, but then i'm not prepared to sell my soul to the ministry, no matter how benevolent the mission is. i need to live a life, have time to have quiet introspection, time to ride, time to interact with
myself. i don't want to be a guinea pig or hamster that keeps on running in the wheel in the cage, going faster, but not going
anywhere. at least i'm convinced, if i eke out a career out of photography, i'm sure i can do
something... it just remains how much this
something is. i'm not saying, in the remaining two years and change, i'll do slip-shod work and just vanish; but i'd opt to do constructive work where i can in my capacity. right now, it seems that my photography is gradually gaining critical mass, and i believe i have the capacity to cover photographic assignments. i don't have the creative eye, but i think i
could work on that and grow on it. like what the head honcho
james phang said, there are three dares a person should undertake...
dare to dream
dare to try
dare to fail
surprisingly, with an online search, he's
still around!
with all due homage to
robert frost, who wrote the following
The Road Less Travelled Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
i know that by staking my future on this entire apparently whimsical decision is never going to make out, but unless i take the plunge, who knows what lies ahead? i can't remember who said this, but he was quoted to advise, "cut your bridges." that way, you don't keep an escape route for yourself, and will push yourself through no matter how, somehow.
right now, i have a problem identifying what i wish to live on for. i'm not suicidal, no way. but i don't see something that leads me and gives me a sense of intrinsic motivation. maybe i was born to be a lone ranger type, i guess. yes, i know, no man is an island. so?... i'm not in dire need of human company, there are problems associated with it. i know my bike has transmission problems, but those are definitely soluble, given time and experience.
i need to go ride my bike. i need to unwind. murky-hot smoky exhausts, the greasy taste on the lips during riding in the rains, cold wind, hot sun, i need all of you on my face. i need to
connect to myself. i need to cut off this ebb of power from my mental side. now thinking back, i'm not that surprised after all why i didn't get drafted for the commandoes. but i do know very well why i respect them.