some kids are pests - and i wouldn't want to add to the problem, so for sure i wouldn't want to have kids - that's working on an assumption that i get married, of course.
one of these pests of these p2 boys called
caleb from the problematic mix of boys, has a freaking bad habit of screaming at the most unneeded moment. each time he does that, i would stare him down. guess it's no avail. today i flew off this useless piece of rubbish, and ordered him to the corner of the hall. he stabbed me in the back by saying i gave him a bump on the head.
when he was asked what he hit his head upon, he said he hit it against a chair. and in the whole hall, the only chair that was around was right at the back of the hall where i told him to go and stand.
the most screwed up thing about him? he threw away the shoes belonging to another of his classmate from the windows along the back of the hall. bloody liar! one stupid knock he earned for himself, he will say that i gave him that bump (when none was visible on later inspection), and that when he gets that silly superficial injury, he will exaggerate it as if it were the biggest deal in the whole wide world.
kids can be pests. i think i should print a special countdown calendar to see when i can leave the ministry. this ain't the place for me.
daily running up and down, and more than enough exercise for myself; but there are boys who don't seem to know they've enough fat in their bodies that they can choke themselves to death; idiots who can't be bothered to come and see me even when told to do so; idiots who can't be bothered to do corrections. on top of that, run up-down-left-right to classes trying to ensure that all the overweight boys turn up for the morning exercise. since when did something noble such as teaching become as mundane as a governmental baby-sitter?
my class, the best p2 class out of the four? it's only out of FOUR classes, for goodness' sakes. i don't want any of the boys to remember who i am in the future, some of them really make me make a double-take on wondering why the hell i signed that bond with the ministry. one thing i've learnt - just carry on with the lessons, i don't need to use my emotions and let it get affected. whether the boys make it or not in the future, it's up to them, not to me.
disappointing occupation.
gave a call to the traffic police regarding the near accident i had in seletar camp last november - but the status was, "under investigation". i would actually blow up on the phone, if not for the fact that the person i was talking to was a lady. at least she was polite over the phone - if not...
i also gave comfort-delgro a call about this asshole of a taxi driver - sh9279e - who stopped at the end of the bus bay along a busy road in hougang, and almost forced a car behind him to wham into his backside; and almost forced me to kiss his cab's backside too. one idiotic man of the same race who was just beside the ethnic ladies who boarded the vehicle, said something to the cabby about "lta" and "complaint" - those were the only two words i caught from him. i asked him, "who were you talking about?", but he retorted, "AM I TALKING TO YOU?"
so i gave him the verbal, "fuck you!... fuck YOU!" as i pedalled off. damned. i'm getting more violent and aggressive ever since i got posted to this school. i wasn't even remotely like this during national service!