of special mention - thunderbutt came with w.p. and the pug! colin and his girl, mokhtar were there as well. handbag's mom was pretty nice to talk to too; she's just like my own mom, telling him to upgrade to a car instead when he gets back; eating and getting himself fatter (i think "less skinny" would be more appropriate here), amongmst other things. his sister was there too, as some of his swimming chums were too.
gave one of these to him at the airport, as a parting gift...

on the way back, this being new year's eve, it's a good time to set my new year resolutions in concrete form.
1. stay single. love my bike. don't get tempted to start any relation with anyone.
2. regimenting my life; sticking to my military-inspired timetable. sounds somewhat crazy, but it's good to be able to manage things efficiently. reveille tomorrow at 0800 hrs.
3. proper budgetting. easy to say, hard to do. but if i don't start, i'll never start!
4. take good care of my platoon and lead them successfully for a one-year tour of duty. oops, i mean, take good care of my form class, and bring them successfully in our own ways through the 2005 academic year...
5. stop at every red traffic light, be a better and safer cyclist. parents are always on the lookout!
as i was talking to jothi, my neighbour, i said something that i never thought of before. the mental burden that had troubled me for the past day, becoming a primary two form teacher, now seems so much lighter now. it is akin to getting commissioned as an officer (i was only a corporal in national service) and taking charge of my platoon (my class). not exactly imaginative, but indeed i have been commissioned by the ministry of education to do my best for the kids.
long live saf! and my kids too!