it's incredible that only 3 years of having left national service, i have come across several chaps who are pretty close to being nutcases. what is the world coming to? are they genuine? will they be able to survive when they finish national service, and actually start working?
i watched i not stupid on my computer in the wee hours of this morning, and i have a thing not so much against, but pity those rich kids who aren't able to do much, be it in work, or sports, or anything in general. is it really like terry in the show (not my fellow photog, ok?) who obediently listens to his mom, not knowing how to spread butter on bread, not knowing how to prepare instant coffee even? if this is the general trend that rich families are going... good luck for them when it comes when the parents pass on, then the then-fendless grown-up kids will suffer and probably perish in the society they are totally unaccustomed to. good parents will naturally want to have the best for their children, but don't cross into overprotection. once without the parents, the children will suffer, because they don't know anything at all. that's why i still get irked by my mom when she asks me where i'm cycling to, whom i'm going out for dinner with and so on. for goodness' sakes, i'm going 25 in a week's time, and i'm working as a teacher and taking care of others' children!
last night i went for the g1 branch cohesion outing, it was good to see the faces that made my life in national service such a joy (and a pain, occasionally). pity that most of the chaps including me at our table, found that dinner was a little... short of filling. but better than nothing, i must say. had a good time chatting with mdm padma and kannan walking to the interchange, and on the bus back home.
speaking of resources and so on, some people really have an attitude problem. i don't know if i heard this wrongly or not, but i do believe i once heard a young lad telling me that there's no need to conserve energy for the army because either he doesn't need to pay for it, or that his family pays tax. what kind of absurd trash is that? so what even if you have the money to pay for it? energy wasted means energy consumed, energy consumed means some other fossil fuel just got burnt up, stupid! i remember those days in school where estimates of natural crude oil sources will run dry in 50 years, though i question if that estimate is actually possible or not. but nevertheless, save the power in the army camps, whether you're paying for it or not... my parents pay tax (so do i), and i don't fancy wasting my tax money via actions of these morons!
finished ripping those cds at home into mp3, save for those discs without cddb information on gracenote. at least that means some background music while i'm in office, otherwise i'd be listening to the sounds of dripping water from the fish tank... ?!?!
i watched i not stupid on my computer in the wee hours of this morning, and i have a thing not so much against, but pity those rich kids who aren't able to do much, be it in work, or sports, or anything in general. is it really like terry in the show (not my fellow photog, ok?) who obediently listens to his mom, not knowing how to spread butter on bread, not knowing how to prepare instant coffee even? if this is the general trend that rich families are going... good luck for them when it comes when the parents pass on, then the then-fendless grown-up kids will suffer and probably perish in the society they are totally unaccustomed to. good parents will naturally want to have the best for their children, but don't cross into overprotection. once without the parents, the children will suffer, because they don't know anything at all. that's why i still get irked by my mom when she asks me where i'm cycling to, whom i'm going out for dinner with and so on. for goodness' sakes, i'm going 25 in a week's time, and i'm working as a teacher and taking care of others' children!
last night i went for the g1 branch cohesion outing, it was good to see the faces that made my life in national service such a joy (and a pain, occasionally). pity that most of the chaps including me at our table, found that dinner was a little... short of filling. but better than nothing, i must say. had a good time chatting with mdm padma and kannan walking to the interchange, and on the bus back home.
speaking of resources and so on, some people really have an attitude problem. i don't know if i heard this wrongly or not, but i do believe i once heard a young lad telling me that there's no need to conserve energy for the army because either he doesn't need to pay for it, or that his family pays tax. what kind of absurd trash is that? so what even if you have the money to pay for it? energy wasted means energy consumed, energy consumed means some other fossil fuel just got burnt up, stupid! i remember those days in school where estimates of natural crude oil sources will run dry in 50 years, though i question if that estimate is actually possible or not. but nevertheless, save the power in the army camps, whether you're paying for it or not... my parents pay tax (so do i), and i don't fancy wasting my tax money via actions of these morons!

finished ripping those cds at home into mp3, save for those discs without cddb information on gracenote. at least that means some background music while i'm in office, otherwise i'd be listening to the sounds of dripping water from the fish tank... ?!?!