met up with jj and some media personnel behind the scenes of the ndp preview. hey, at least i confirmed both silly girl anne and him know each other...

can't believe it. the last few weeks (actually... six/seven weeks isn't that long after all!) passed me by in a flash. if you were to ask me, what i was caught up in doing... if not for two things i still enforce myself to do, i wouldn't remember what i did. that's why i'm very thankful for photography and blogging. so that in years to come (assuming servers, blogger.com, and my hard disks are still rolling), i'll be able to savour the memories that i simply can't recall. need to hunt through some of the pess days photos to remind me of what i learnt then, too!
met some other familiar faces at the stadium too... but who was the chap rubbing his tummy at the stadium who called out my name?...
heartbreak of the week - bryan choo had free tickets to steve vai... courtesy of a friend of his working in bar none...
from this ndp shoot that i'm involved in, i've learnt of the commitment that goes into it just for the three hour show. the safety, the logistics, lightings etc... did you know the exco chairman and the lighting committee actually stayed up till 2 or 3am in the morning from friday night just to tweak the lighting for the show? betcha didn't know that. i just found out today - had i chosen to go back home last night, i wouldn't have realized all that.