fell like no one's business today.
went out in the morning to canon singapore to send in my eos-10d for servicing - but sad thing was, because there weren't other spare bodies to use, so i'm now stuck with no camera. or more precisely... all lenses, and no camera. urgh. at least the service at canon was pleasant.
i had my breakfast at mcd's harbourfront, then used the internet terminal to send an email to
felicia and her mom
grace, regarding her skating photos i've taken so far. also sent another to
ashley's family for her iceskating photos as well. then i hurried over via nel/mrt, got to fuji ice to meet
jonn for the big unknown - yours truly here, learning iceskating?!? is that a joke? uh. it's reality.
within the first two meters i stepped on ice... it was a THUD. no prizes for guessing what happened. being the psychomotor nincompoop that i have always been, i just couldn't get up. and far too embarrassed to call out for
jonn to zip right by to start lesson 101. finally
jonn came over when she saw me happily warming the ice (more likely,
melting the ice), and taught me what i call the three mantras of
iceskating for dummies:
- bend at the knees
- keep the body weight forward
- don't slouch
and with so, we began on a "baby steps" walking-on-ice program to initiate me to the cold white. you can guess how many times i "thud-ded" the ice in the day. i probably made
jackie chan blush for being less adventurous. my insurance company may just ask me nicely to terminate the policies. three schoolgirls from shuqun secondary saw me falling, and each time they giggled really aloud. probably because they haven't seen a pe teacher fall like domino on a rink. they should try skating instead of laughing though, i'm sure i'll enjoy laughing
with them. anyway, this reminds me of a microcosm where when a person does things and repeatedly falls, there won't be a shortage of people laughing
at them. and the obvious choices one has are: to give up, or to carry on trying. guess the ice did some philosophical wonders for my grey matter... and before the girls, i had the wonderful company of some young chaps -
hubert (who's from
tracku.org), along with his pals,
kenny and
hubert himself is a long distance runner, so it seems. pretty nice young chap, gave me good talking company on the ice.
took a break for a while, and talked to
gazel's mom and another girl's mom about what i'm doing for my profession. then later on, things got out of hand. i was talking about
physics and almost
biomechanics in iceskating! and i carried on to talk to quite a few other skaters about it - they're all secondary schoolgirls, and physics has been known to be a major stumbling block for many. remember the phrase used in an old, old reebok advertisement? "
for every force, there is an equal and opposite reaction". it's
that logical. now i have a kinesthic understanding to iceskating with my bumped left hipbone, and slightly bashed right knee. but it was magical, to actually
discover all the stuff i studied for back in secondary school, and actually discovering how i could manipulate the variables to move, glide, skate, or umm... crash.
but in the true fashion of the stubborn ol' me, i managed to learn how to glide a couple of meters by the end of the day. started out at point blank, six hours later on the ice, i'm able to glide. even i'm amazed.
now, whether i can replicate this performance the next time, is a big unknown...
medium zul and his girlfriend just after i crossed the road leading to jurong east mrt. it's such small world.