just got home and barely had time to settle the photos from ntu hall 5's production,
a show to call our own. and i've got to prepare for today's (sunday) ntu surf and sweat at sentosa's sunset bay. anyone going there can give me a call to meet up. right now i'm comtemplating cycling over there - so that i get a workout myself, and that i need not squeeze with the weekend crowd on the buses.
for yesterday, it was a mad, mad rush. woke up at 8:43am, quickly borrowed 10 dollars from
mom to take a cab down to go for a 9am red cross standard first aid course held for meridian jc odac students - met their teacher-in-charge,
mr tang, and the instructor for red cross,
stephen. after the course ended, i flew over to nie - but i got off the train at clementi because my somehow misbehaving nose decided to flush like crazy on me. saw
christopher, one of the tall guys back in my secondary school with his girlfriend on the platform, but i wouldn't want to say hello, because i had one hand pinching my nostrils to keep the mucus flow in check. i hopped on a cab to make a beeline to nie for the dive theory lesson, just on time.
liza will be my dive buddy for the trip.
cassandra had her armsling removed, thankfully. she'd dislocated her shoulder joint because she tugged at a basket full of medicine balls without taking a second look, nor knowing what's inside. *gulp!*
after the lessons ended, it was yet another mad rush to make it over to nus' ucc for the hall 5 production. managed to take a couple of snaps with
huiling dear in her get-up for her nus show,
re:mix. too bad i couldn't watch it, since i was occupied with the first aid course friday night, and watching the hall 5 show saturday evening. met some old time vs folks, like
jackson pang,
pin yan (who happened to be the head honcho for the show), and
chong yee at the ucc as well. and one more -
jianfa, who was
siangling's junior in squash in vjc last time.