in the afternoon, huijia messaged me to tell me that she wasn't feeling well - she had felt quite some discomfort in her neck and just behind her ears. she decided to give her tuition that would happen later in the evening a miss, in exchange for some proper rest.
before i had dinner with siva, alwyn and ban hwee at jurong point, i joined quite a number of my fellow classmates for a familarization run for the e.w. barker challenge that would be held somewhen in august. instead of running with them, i cycled instead, because i didn't want to test waters by running when i felt my right knee has just recovered. and later in the night, as i was coming back home, i met my senior coral at kembangan mrt station. the cause of it? i overslept on the train...
hmmm... off-topic for a while... what do you think is going on, when a girl calls you on your handphone, from her handphone, when she's practically undressed in her home's shower? what were you thinking of? she was only thinking of calling me without being detected by her folks, what else could it be!

there was something else that i sms-ed her too - "some guys just don't have a girlfriend. they say, a girlfriend is a want. i agree with them. another group of guys say that a girlfriend is a need. i agree with them too. because i need, want and crave for You."