just got woken up by
mom a couple of minutes earlier on. i reloaded my site, read through the comments for yesterday (friday through saturday) and have to thank the sgts-girls,
wendy mei and of course
pink mei for supporting me.

it was a novel perspective from
lyndy who said that having some bad flamin' was better than no publicity. i agree wholeheartedly, but then i think this
could be a civil libel case - not the recent posting of stuff, but the part saying that it would be no wonder
raping my students. it was just sheer bad taste of whoever-it-was.
well, cousin
raymond is flying overseas this morning to australia for further studies... for two years i think. and this somehow reminds of me an incident yesterday afternoon, as i was on the mrt from ang mo kio to yew tee. i heard this mother (an auntie type) asking her child, "were there anybody in your class who scored 25 our of 25 for your class test?". she wasn't like
really expecting her own child to score a full 25, but somehow clearly it shows that singaporean parents are still generally so obsessed with plain numbers. i think this is totally unhealthy. like what i reflect on my
c6 for my gce 'o' literature, i think it's better to score bad at something (be it any subject, but please don't aim for an outright
fail) but making sure the essense of the subject can be applied to your life holistically. no point mugging for that top student fame and in the end? forget everything in the process...
in singapore, most students are puppets of their parents - living the life that their parents
want them to live - at the expense of their own dreams. i'm very fortunate that my parents
never really wanted me to live a particular destiny or life... but left me to choose my own destiny. they made comments, but never did ever discourage me from anything. i think this is one of the greatest liberties they have given me. i often share with my friends, that through my not-so-welcomed returns to vjc to run in the past, i've talked to some of my acquaintances and friends about their course of study in the junior college. a typical conversation would be:
me : wow! what subjects are you taking?
friend : double maths, double science...
me : cool! what do you intend to do in the future after jc?
friend : i don't know...
me : then how come you chose these subjects?
friend : because in my family there are a lot of engineers, so my parents want me to be one too...
the above is just a sample of the sad examples that i've heard a time too many. there are other variations of that too, but it's all so sad. i'm glad that i had the full liberty, though my
dad wasn't really happy that i went to so many schools (four, to be exact) - but i think it was just a matter of face, should he be asked about it by my other relatives. i've lead the life that i wanted, though it was never really the
ideal life that i wanted to live - because that would be already a fairy tale!
yesterday afternoon i was at the primary school for the on-site "tour" to orientate me with the school, and guess what? other than the fact that
kai li was posted there for attachment, so was
zahara! small world... the rest of the fellow nie trainees there are
thomas ang and
nani. so far the school seems pretty cosy and close-knitted. my cooperating teacher,
roger tan is a company captain for the 69j boy's brigade company in singapore. wow! such coincidence...

sad thing about
roger - though nothing to do with him as a person because he's really a great dude - it's sad that he's not pe trained. i took a peep at his lesson plans for primary one kids and it includes
relays for the kids. from what we've learnt in pess, relays should
not be done during primary school days for children. why, you may ask. because the nature of the relays of running one end of the court to the other - there is very little actual participating time for each individual student. most of the time while the other 9 in the group are running across, the individual child is more preoccupied with jumping and cheering... erm... hahaha

but all these have absolutely nothing to do with the developmental growth for a child.
yesterday evening after i submitted the hardcopy of the ecm102 and invasion games assignment back at nie, i saw the
home ec girls from my fellow eed102 tutorial group -
khas and
erma along the pe block corridor. the ladies were just taken aback by my smart appearance (i was wearing a long sleeve shirt wuth folded sleeves, and pants with a generous amount of hair gel slapped on) and i joked that maybe i should start a fan club for myself...

we all laughed at the joke, and i asked them where they'd be going so late in nie. and guess what? they needed some amount of help for the eed100 webpage assignment.
kelly was so
kan cheong - that i thought she might be stressing herself too much. oops, slip of the fingers to type it out... hehehe... the rest of the girls were fine though. managed to teach them through guided discovery teaching model (wah...) successfully how to do a webpage/website in just one and a half hours.

when it came to closing time for the library, i saw
gary coming into the computer lab and i was surprised to hear that he was
priscellia's boyfriend! wow! small world... not the
gary from pess, this is the one from woodlands secondary... but he's the hod of pe in the school now! had a bit of talk with him too. just right after we stepped out of the library, the girls offered me one otah bun that gary actually bought for them - because i helped them with the website thingie. it sure feels great to help guide people to do a website albeit simple... especially when it's part of an assignment! boy, it sure feels great to be explicitly appreciated in the first place! anyway, we'd get to the carpark and
gary drove the five of us to jurong point, where
kelly and
khas dropped off, and then drove the rest of us to town.
erma and me got off the car at the swissotel and we took the train back together, though i got off the train earlier at paya lebar.
and guess what? i met
eng chuan, a neighbor's boy from my block, and we had a talk about pe and army... the fine young lad was going to pass out from bmtc 'g' coy on 20th march, i think... good for him!

anyway, he's a giant, towering over me at 1.90 meters in height! woah! oh yeah, before i forget, i'll be meeting the 6 division commander and the rest of the runners at sembawang country club in the evening for dinner... too bad no girlfriend, but i think it's better to have close girl friends instead.